“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” – John Ford


Change leadership: presenting so your audience hears you


Do you ever get asked to deliver a presentation and worry that you’ll bore the audience?  Or perhaps you don’t know where to start … or stop?  Or maybe you get so caught up in the fear of public speaking, your expertise and knowledge goes unheard or unrecognised?  

Perhaps you have a team who need to present to clients and you want to raise their game.  Or you’re leading a change program and want to increase your ability to communicate, and inspire the team with your vision.

Our Present Anything™ training is specifically designed to bring a culture-led focus to any presentation while empowering people to be true to themselves and deliver an experience audiences will remember.

Once you’ve attended Present Anything™, you are ready for Present anything 2.0™.  You already know the importance of tapping into the trust centre of the brain.  To lead with culture and your why, you connect with your audience by balancing the rational and emotional levels so your audience want stay and play.

You know how important it is to understand your audience and you know that there are different energy styles that will relate to different words and different levels of detail.

And you know how to create a presentation in such a way that you take in all the learning styles of the room – and are able to remember it with no notes.  Genius.

In Present Anything 2.0™, it’s time to take your presentation beyond an audience’s expectations. It’s time to ice the cake and finesse the art of presenting.

Over the two days you will practice, practice, practice in a nurturing environment where you receive individual live feedback from our certified trainers so you become the speaker you were always meant to be.




Other change leadership trainings available:







Day 1 – Present Anything™


by the end of day 1 you will know the secret of:


grabbing and keeping your audience’s attention

  • make your passion contagious to your audience – bring your culture with you.
  • create and sustain your audience’s interest – know which part of the brain you need to communicate with.
  • understand the learning styles of your audience and how to engage them.
  • understand and speak your audience’s language and preferences


creating material which hits the mark

  • have a consistent methodology that you can follow for a successful result each and every time, that works for you AND your audience
  • solve the problem of not knowing where to start (or where to stop) when creating your material
  • prepare your content quickly when an opportunity to talk comes knocking
  • stop killing your audience with too much information 


presenting with ease and confidence

  • look like a genius by presenting with no notes 
  • be rid of any reliance on scripts, PowerPoint, Keynote or other apps
  • change your emotional state so you can present and influence the audience like top speakers do (so you can enjoy the speaking opportunity rather than endure it)
  • bring balance between your rational and emotional needs so you add even more influence as a speaker and create the change you want in your audience.


Day 2:  Present Anything 2.0™


by the end of day 2 you will know the secret of:


understanding and developing language to impact your audience’s experience

  • engaging language patterns that speak to the rational and emotional sides of the brain
  • learning how the language you use impacts the message you give


learning how to use your body language to add influence to the language you use

  • being who you need to be as a presenter – it’s not just what you do that’s important 
  • engaging everyone in your audience without being a lighthouse, and use your body position with purpose – without this technique you lose half the room
  • knowing how to move when presenting – and crucially how not to move (what you don’t do is as important as what you do).


embracing the six archetypes and bring untapped energy to how your present

  • understanding the archetypes available to you and when to use them – you’re losing most of your impact if you don’t.
  • developing the nuances of blending archetypes, tone and body language – learn to speak to be really heard and make a difference.
  • harnessing the real power of language, stories, metaphors and the pause (leaving your audience wanting more)
  • resolving objections (before they are even voiced) and how to utilise everything that happens during your presentation to support your message



“Great stories don’t appeal to logic, but they often appeal to our senses.” Seth Godin

Julie Alexander

Certified trainer of coaching

Practitioner of Meta Dynamics™ III (facilitator training)


Julie is an accomplished trainer who has a unique style that inspires action as well as learning. Participants leave the training with more than just tools and tricks – they leave with a whole new way of thinking and being, which means the doing becomes easy.  Creating a safe place for participants to explore, Julie’s is a sought-after expert facilitator who delivers fun, interactive and memorable trainings, keynotes and workshops.


“Julie is an amazing presenter/facilitator! Her passion for this subject matter is infectious and I have left the course buzzing with excitement for more … more practice, more enquiry and more presentations. Thank you Julie!” – Joy Clarke, Present Anything and Present Anything 2.0 signature workshop attendee, Australian Public Service Commission, Canberra

“If you have been struggling to organise and clarity your thoughts quickly for a presentation, then I would highly recommend Present Anything course to you. Julie kept the presentation at a good pace and kept my mind engaged! Even though the material is new to me, I feel that in very little time I could master the tools and present.” 

“Trying to explain to someone who has never tasted sugar is hard or nearly impossible to do. They must taste/experience it to know it. Julie and Diane had a way of getting me to ‘taste’ things in a very simple and easy to follow way. I loved it!” – Kieran Toohey, Present Anything workshop attendee, Sydney

“Julie presented with clarity, humour, lightness and amazing content. Walking away equipped was clearly the end goal and this was given in measure. Thank you, can’t wait for the next one.” Sarah Morris, Present Anything signature workshop attendee, Sydney

“Julie walks her talk. She has a great gift for making seemingly complex concepts and structures become simple and easy to understand. Very glad I attended; it’s very hands on, do it now! Awesome. We started the day by listing outstanding presenter qualities, and by the end of the day, we revisited the list and realised that we’d developed and exercised all of the qualities! Thanks Julie!” – Michelle Soo, Present Anything & Present Anything 2.0 workshop attendee, Sydney

“This training workshop is like Toastmasters on steroids! It was one of the most comprehensive and exciting courses that I’ve done. I’ve been looking for help so that I could develop my presentation skills; I wanted to break away from being a good presenter to being an excellent presenter, someone who would be hired for their skills in presentation. What did I get? Skills which really helped me to look at how I present and take it to the next level. I learnt how to use reinforced body language, how to control my vocal tempo and I learnt a strategy which I can use to present anything that comes up from a something very detailed to a very simple concept.

“I also learned how to put all that together, talk in a manner that engages the different learning styles, use body language with purpose and how to connect with the audience. And above all? To understand that it’s not about me – it’s about what can I give to the audience. I highly recommend anyone looking to go from a good to an excellent speaker – absolutely fantastic!” – Dean Quirke, White Ribbon Ambassador, Present Anything and Present Anything 2.0 workshop attendee, Sydney

“Public speaking is an opportunity where we can truly engage and influence the lives of others. When public speaking in the past, I used to get butterflies or worse still, go blank and become paralysed. It was difficult to deliver a clear message and keep the audience engaged. No more … Present Anything 2.0 has given me some easily learned tools, used by professional speakers. This ensures I keep a clear and concise message and has powerfully transformed my public speaking performance forever. Thank you Julie & Diane.” – Peter Clarke, Present Anything 2.0 workshop attendee, Sydney


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